Challenges in Supervision

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Course Description:
This course, “Challenges in Supervision,” is designed as an opportunity for course participants to present real-life challenges in their role as a clinical supervisor. Participants will be asked to identify a challenge they faced. The number of topics accepted will depend on the size of the workshop. In breakout groups course participants will evaluate the nature of the challenge, relevant legal, ethical, and competence issues, and how best to proceed with the challenge. The benefit is the opportunity to explore with others “How do I think through this kind of challenge, how do I handle it?” For course participants who are new to their supervisory role the course is an opportunity to hear about real-life challenges that may emerge in their future.
The instructor will provide an example of a real-life supervisory challenge from her experience as a supervisory mentor. Participants are given a working guideline on how to think through the challenge. Participants will be divided into Breakout Groups of 5-6 individuals and report back after their discussion. Subsequent topics will be addressed in the same way: identification of the challenge, an opportunity to discuss the topic with other participants in a breakout group, and a report back to the larger group on what they decided.

Member: $40
Non-Member: $50

Credit Hours:
2 Hours

Learning Objectives:
The presentation will provide an overview of:
  • Identify one legal or ethical issue in each challenge topic discussed.
  • Identify one example of clinical competence that is missing in each challenge topic discussed.
  • Describe one step a supervisor can take to support positive change in a supervisee.
The user acknowledges that the workshops, handouts, and related course materials contained therein are intended for educational purposes only, and should not be considered to be legal advice or a substitute for legal or clinical consultation. These presentations address issues that are multi-faceted, and the user should not assume that the courses discuss every law, regulation, or ethical code that may be relevant to the subject matter. Legal and ethical standards are subject to change and it is always prudent to check to see whether a particular law, regulation, or ethical standard may have changed.

This course meets the BBS CE course requirement for LMFTs, LCSWs, LPCCs and LEPs which is required each for each license renewal cycle.

Refunds/Cancellations: CAMFT does not offer refunds for On-Demand Library purchases.