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Couples Whisperer

CAMFT Course Page

Course Description:
Working with couples can be daunting and frightening. It can also be rewarding -- even fun -- when you have the right skills and composure. Learn step-by-step methods for increasing competence to become a true healer and guide, not just a referee to your couples. You will learn: what to do in the first phone call, the first session, the first fight, and at the start of each session. We will also cover curve balls: trauma, addictions, raging, affairs, co-parenting, sexual incompatibility, secrets, and ambivalence. This workshop is presented by a Certified Relational Life Therapist specializing in couples.

Member: $25
Non-Member: $35

Credit Hours:
1.5 Hours

Learning Objectives:
The presentation will provide an overview of:
  • Describe at least one fast, easy-to-learn tool to help couples communicate non-defensively.
  • Identify at least four reasons why a couple is not progressing and three sources of leverage that can help spur change.
  • Identify the two maladaptive ways couples handle an affair, and the one mindset couples must adopt to repair their relationship.
  • How to differentiate between a latent and a blatant client, and five techniques to use if they’re both blatant.
The user acknowledges that the workshops, handouts, and related course materials contained therein are intended for educational purposes only, and should not be considered to be legal advice or a substitute for legal or clinical consultation. These presentations address issues that are multi-faceted, and the user should not assume that the courses discuss every law, regulation, or ethical code that may be relevant to the subject matter. Legal and ethical standards are subject to change and it is always prudent to check to see whether a particular law, regulation, or ethical standard may have changed.

This course meets the BBS CE course requirement for LMFTs, LCSWs, LPCCs and LEPs which is required each for each license renewal cycle.

Refunds/Cancellations: CAMFT does not offer refunds for On-Demand Library purchases.